According to a new study, 50% reduction in the prevalence of pressure wounds in hospitals in the United States and other critical care settings over the last decade can be attributed to better preventive practices.Imagen: La investigación muestra que las prácticas de prevención de las úlceras por presión han reducido significativamente su incidencia (Fotografía cortesía de Stryker).

Hill-Rom researchers (Batesville, IN, USA) conducted an International Pressure Ulcer Prevalence Survey (IPUP) using a population sample comprised of 918,621 patients in the United States, with data from 2006 to 2015, Collected from over 1,000 voluntary facilities. At each institution, internal clinical teams collected information over a predetermined 24-hour period, which included prevalence of pressure ulcers, demographics, and other relevant clinical information. The aggregate data were then analyzed.

The results revealed that the prevalence of pressure injuries decreased from 13.5% in 2006 to 9.3% in 2015, in all care facilities, with a relative reduction of 31%. Significant reductions in institution-acquired prevalence (FAP) were observed, which measures the new pressure lesions that develop after the patient has entered the hospital; The FAP decreased from 6.2% in 2006 to an interval of 3.1-3.4% in 2013-2015, a relative reduction of 50%. More than 90% of patients were reported in acute care facilities, such as academic medical centers and community hospitals; In these settings, the FAP decreased from 6.4% in 2006 to 2.9% in 2015.

The prevalence of pressure ulcers varied in other contexts, such as acute care and long-term rehabilitation centers, however, they did not show clear directional tendencies. For example, while body weight increased in most care settings, the age of the patients decreased. But, based on the Braden score, a standard prediction scale, there were no significant changes in the risk of injury due to patient pressure. According to the researchers, this indicates that decreases in prevalence are more likely the result of improved pressure ulcer prevention practices, rather than any change in risk factors for patients. The study was published on December 13, 2016, in the Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing.


“Several national initiatives to reduce pressure ulcers have been introduced in recent years. The IPUP Survey is an important tool for hospitals and other facilities because it allows measuring and comparing their rates of prevalence of pressure ulcers, “concluded the author, Catherine VanGilder, MBA, BSc, MT, CCRA and colleagues. “As Braden’s score has remained constant and prevalence in hospitals has declined, this means that his pressure ulcer prevention programs are working. Keep up the good work!”


According to the survey, the largest reductions in prevalence occurred between 2008 and 2009, most likely reflecting the change in payment policy by the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS, Baltimore, MD , Which suspended the acute care payments generated by ancillary care for pressure ulcers acquired in hospitals in 2008.